Terms & Conditions Of Use
Any use of the Site and the services available here-under shall be subject to the following terms and conditions.
1. Definitions
In these Terms and Conditions except where the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions have the following meanings:
- 1.1 "the Company" means Engine Finder and it's owner.
- 1.2 "the Customer" means any person, company, partnership or other body corporate using the Site to locate vehicle parts or engines;
- 1.3 "the Site" means this website (under the domain name enginefinder.co.za and any sub-domain); and
- 1.4 "Supplier" means a supplier of vehicle parts and engines who is registered with the Company and has subscribed to receive notifications of relevant Customer enquiries.
2. Service Description
The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the Company does not supply vehicle parts or engines. Through the Site the Company acts as a vehicle parts & engine location service, putting Customers in touch via the internet and E-mail with Suppliers who may be able to supply them with the required car parts & engines.
3. Customer Data and Enquiries
The Company will in good faith collect and collate enquiries received from Customers through the Site or by E-mail and will forward on via E-mail such enquiries to Suppliers whom the Company considers may be able to supply the vehicle parts or engines required. Customers' personal details will be encrypted wherever possible.
- 3.1 The Customer consents to his name and contact details being forwarded to any potential Supplier and acknowledges that the Company shall have no responsibility in relation to the subsequent use of that information by Suppliers who receive this data.
- 3.2 The Customer consents to their first name and part request being displayed on Engine Finder's website for limited period.
- 3.3 The Customer consents to the company to send them an automated email for feedback of the company's service.
4. Quotes will be sent directly from Suppliers in response to Customers' enquiries. The Company does not review quotes supplied by Suppliers and cannot guarantee the accuracy or truth of any quotes made by Suppliers through the Site.
5. The Company will only forward the Customers' enquiry details to those Suppliers who are registered with the Company and have subscribed to receive notifications of Customer enquiries.
6. The Company does not supply parts or engines and has no control over the quality, fitness for purpose or legality of any parts supplied to Customers using this service.
7. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the Company shall have no liability whatsoever in connection with any contract made between the Customer and any Supplier as a result of or in connection with any introduction made through the Site, save that such liability shall only be excluded to the highest extent permissible under South African law.
8. Without prejudice to the generality of clause above, for the avoidance of doubt the Company will not be held responsible for parts or engines which are ordered and paid for but fail to arrive, or for parts supplied which are faulty or not of satisfactory quality or do not meet the description given.
9. All engines supplied from any Supplier, that has a cam belt installed must have the cam belt replaced before installation, this is a routine replacement item on age and mileage. And as the time/date of the last replacement cannot be guaranteed, it must be replaced before fitting the engine. If the cam belt is not replaced and engine damage occurs due to it's failure, the Company or its Suppliers accepts no responsibility for the costs incurred. After replacement the manufactures time and mileage intervals must be adhered to thereafter. It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure the mechanic fitting the supplied engine has carried this out.
These Terms and Conditions and the use of the Site are subject to South African law and any dispute arising in relation to the use of the Site will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the South African courts.
Whilst the Company cannot guarantee the performance of any services offered by Suppliers through the Site, the Company is keen to ensure that all of the Suppliers using the Site continue to act in a reputable and honest manner and therefore would welcome any feedback from Customers who have been unhappy with the services provided by any Supplier using the Site.